Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

Why Browsers Read Selectors Right to Left

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When I first learned that browsers read CSS selectors from right to left it felt kinda weird and confusing. Boris Zbarsky explains why it’s done that way in a way that makes perfect sense. Part of the reason:

…most of


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Lea Verou makes a “typing” animation with the CSS3 sub-property steps which allows you to specify how many keyframes an animation uses. Knowing the number of keyframes means you can know exactly that the CSS will be like at that …

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Tabs with Round Out Borders

A technique for a rounded tabs where the top corners are rounded, but also the bottom corners are rounded where they attach to the content area. "Round out" or "flared" borders, if you will.
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Adaptive Images

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Project from Matt Wilcox for serving the right images to the right devices (i.e. small images to small browser windows, large images to large browser windows). Small browser windows, regardless of bandwidth considerations, shouldn’t get a giant image scaled down …

Fold Out Popups

A rich HTML popup content area that works when you click a link/button (rather than hover like tooltips work). This uses a bunch of CSS3 and the functionality is also handled purely with CSS, although we discuss that at the end.

Order a CSS-Tricks T-Shirt

Orders are closed. We’re gonna get these puppies printed up and shipped out. Stay tuned to the blog for future sales.…

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Sideways Headers

Christian Heilmann had an interesting CSS predicament the other day. The idea was to make header tags rotated 90-degrees and align along the left of a blog of content rather than at the top. …

Force WebKit’s File Upload Input Button to the Right

Firefox and IE have the “choose file” button to the right of the filepath, while WebKit puts it on the left. This makes WebKit put it on the right as well.

<input type="file">
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   text-align: left;
   -webkit-rtl-ordering:  left;
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Noise Data URI Image

background-image: url(