Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

1000px Grid for Responsive Web Design

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To figure out your grid width percentages for a fluid design, you start with a fixed design and divide the column widths by the container width. Elliot Jay Stocks calls for us to stop the self-torture and use 1000px for …

#108: Using Chartwell

Chartwell is a font specifically for making simple and beautiful pie charts, bar charts, and line graphs. It’s as simple as writing out simple equations like 40+20+25+15. In desktop software like Adobe Illustrator, you control the graph by writing out …

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Pictos Server

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I’ve long been convinced icon fonts are awesome. Now Drew Wilson’s new service (and article I’m linking to) put to rest any of the last possible arguments against them. Think they use unsemnatic markup? Apply them via pseudo element. …

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Responsive Design Testing Bookmarklet

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Bookmarklet by Benjamin Keen which automates an idea by Lennart Schoors where the current page is loaded into a bunch of differently sized iframes, so when working on a large monitor, you can see what a design looks like at …

Redirect to SSL

window.location = "https://" + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname +;

You might wanna test if window.location.href doesn’t start with “https” before doing that, so you don’t redirect unless you have to.…

Animate to an Inline Style

You already know that inline styles are “bad practice.” Inline styles aren’t reusable like CSS in separate files is, and thus, inefficient bloat. Unless of course, when it isn’t. …

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Paste Events

$.fn.pasteEvents = function( delay ) {
    if (delay == undefined) delay = 20;
    return $(this).each(function() {
        var $el = $(this);
        $el.on("paste", function() {
            setTimeout(function() { $el.trigger("postpaste"); }, delay);

Call this plugin on an element, then you …