Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

UI Pattern Ideas: Email Settings

Last week I asked people to participate in some group design thinking around a specific design pattern: email settings. This was the premise:

Imagine there are three events that can happen in a web app that could trigger an email.

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Beefing Up Dull Text in WebKit

While doing a bit of cross-browser poking around on CodePen, I noticed that the font for the code editors was notably duller and weaker in WebKit browsers (Safari and Chrome) than it was in Firefox or Opera. I quite …

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Set Text on a Circle

There isn’t any super simple standardized way to set web type on a circle (or any kind of curve). But it can be done! We’ll explore one way to do it here. But be forewarned, we’re going to use some …

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The transform-style property, when applied to an element, determines if that element’s children are positioned in 3D space, or flattened.

.parent {
  transform-style: preserve-3d;

It accepts one of two values: flat (the default) and preserve-3d. To demonstrate the …

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The perspective-origin property determines the origin for the perspective property. Think of it as the vanishing point of the current 3D-space.

Note as for the perspective property, perspective-origin has to be defined on the parent element in order to give …

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The perspective CSS property gives an element a 3D-space by affecting the distance between the Z plane and the user.

The strength of the effect is determined by the value. The smaller the value, the closer you get from the …

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The transform-origin property is used in conjunction with CSS transforms, letting you change the point of origin of a transform.

.element {
  transform: rotate(360deg);
  transform-origin: top left;

As indicated above, the transform-origin property can take up to two space-separated …

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The Fifth Fourth

Half a decade. That’s how old CSS-Tricks turns today. That means it’s time for the annual state of the union as we’ve done on it’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th birthdays. That reminds me. Obligatory stock art …

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