Injecting a Line Break

I had a little situation where I had a header with a span in it, and I wanted to make sure to put a line break before the span. For the record, there really isn’t anything wrong with just chucking …

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Chris Coyier on (Updated on )


Direct Link

Josh Buchea has collected “A list of everything that goes in the <head> of your document”. Over 100 <meta> tags alone!…

Avatar of Robin Rendle
Shared by Robin Rendle on

Orientation Lock

@media screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 767px) and (orientation: landscape) {
  html {
    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    transform-origin: left top;
    width: 100vh;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;

Sent in by Andreas Gotfredsen.…

Avatar of Chris Coyier
Chris Coyier on

All or Nothing

Direct Link

Jonathan Snook takes a look at the all property which can be used like this:

.element {
  all: initial;

The idea is that it should set all properties of an element to initial, removing all custom styling thus …

Avatar of Robin Rendle
Shared by Robin Rendle on